Joined Up Conference 2022

STC Sheffield Nairn Street, Sheffield

The Joined Up conference is officially 'back' for 2022.! Last year we met but it was from behind our computer screens in our own homes so we are really looking forward to gathering the Joined Up family together again next year. Planned, organised and delivered in partnership with our friends at Diocese of Sheffield, Sheffield Methodist Circuit, Christian & Sheffield Schools, and the Methodist Church Yorkshire Plus Region of the Learning Network, the Joined Up Conference is an exciting and engaging day for anyone who ministers with children, young people and families in churches and schools. Whether you are an employed worker, willing volunteer, minister or vicar, or simply someone who is interested in finding out more there will be something on offer for you to take away and use in your own ministry! We will see the return of our keynotes, workshops and famous short stories. The workshops this year include input from Jon Steel (Children and Youth Development Practitioner for the Yorkshire Synod) on how we can use the Bible as a transformational tool in our ministry, and Lorraine Webb (URC Children's & Youth Work Program Officer) on understanding the senses for those with additional needs. We are […]


FORUM for Youth Returns in 2022

Xscape Yorkshire Colorado Way, Castleford, United Kingdom

Young people are the future of the Church (or are they already the Church?) Not disciples-in-training but disciples-in-waiting (or perhaps the other way around? I can never remember)! There are a large number of cliches, like the ones above, about children and young people and the Church. Some we can read and they simply make us smirk or roll our eyes, but others can ignite a more emotive response; a more passionate response. We want to welcome children and young people into all aspects of the life and business and the Yorkshire Synod of the URC. Because we know that young people and children are the most dynamic, richest and most beautiful part of the Church. We are passionate. If you are too, join us on Saturday 19 March at Xscape Yorkshire, Castleford (easily accessible by car and train). Lunch and refreshments are provided. After lunch we will take part in some adventure activities (most likely trampolining and rock climbing). To book please confirm with Megan Tillbrook by texting or ringing 07522 220213 or emailing

Mental Health and Christianity Conference

Wesley Hall, Crookes

URC Yorkshire Synod is delighted to be supporting a new venture in Yorkshire on wellbeing and faith through the MENTAL HEALTH AND CHRISTIANITY CONFERENCE. The conference brings together organisations and church bodies to maintain and nurture the obvious link between Mental Health and Christianity. And how our faith impacts our mental health, and vice versa. A first of its kind. We're so excited to see this event come to life in May 2022! It will be a day full of reflection, inspiration and networking. This event is bringing together three Christian denominations as well as other consulting agencies. There'll be workshops, with a keynote speech by Dr Tasia Scrutton. For just £12 you will receive lunch and refreshments, a full day of input and reflection, and maybe even some goodies at the end! The event will take place at Wesley Hall, Crookes, Sheffield, S10 1UD. But as part of our commitment on inclusivity and reaching as many as we can, as well as our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, we will be livestreaming parts of the day too! Tickets are available for £12 if attending in-person (including lunch and refreshments), livestreaming tickets are free but we welcome donations for […]

JPIT Conference 2022: From the Ground Up

Oasis Academy, South Bank 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London, United Kingdom

From the Ground Up: Unearthing hope and seeking justice What does social justice look like where you are? Reconnect with fellow changemakers and be re-energised to work and pray for peace and justice at JPIT’s 2022 Conference. You’re invited to join us online or in London, as we gather for a day of keynote speakers, interactive workshops and learning new ways to campaign. Together we will explore how we can listen to our communities and amplify local voices in order to bring about change. Tickets are free for under 25s or those on low income. Book your place today:

Ordination and Induction of Dr Nicola Anne Robinson

Christ Church, Halton Chapel Street, Halton, Leeds, United Kingdom

We are SO looking forward to gathering together as a synod in a couple of weeks for the Ordination and Induction of Nicola Robinson in Leeds! You'd be most welcome to join us! It's taking place at 2pm on 3rd September at Christ Church Halton (Chapel St, Halton, Leeds LS15 7RW), but you can watch a livestream of the service here:

Leeds Mission & Care Group Jubilee Celebrations

Stainbeck URC Stainbeck Road, Leeds

Come and join the celebration with the Leeds Mission and Care Group The Leeds Partnership of United Reformed Churches are organising an evening of worship, fellowship and cake to celebrate 50 years of the United Reformed Church. Wednesday 5 October 2022, 7:00 for 7:30pm start at Stainbeck URC, in person and on Zoom: All are welcome

URC / Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz Advent Service


The joint Advent Service between the URC and its partner churches in the Palatinate (Pfalz) region of Germany will take place live and online on Sunday evening 4 December, starting at 6.00 pm (UK time). The theme this year is ‘Arise and Shine’ and will be based on the liturgy provided by our German partners. It will be led by Pfarrer Martin Henninger and Rev Philip Brooks, assisted by volunteers and singers from the URC and the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz.The Zoom link is below: Time: Dec 4, 2022 18:00 London Meeting ID: 813 1399 9338 Passcode: 292540

‘The Longest Night’ reflective service


The Leeds URC Partnership are organising an online service entitled the ‘Longest Night’  which is a gentle, reflective service for anyone who finds this time of year difficult, who misses someone, or who wants to spend some time remembering. Wednesday 21st December, 7:30pm On Zoom, the link is: For more information, email Nicola:

Elders’ Conference – Resilience

Bilton Grange URC, Woodfield Road, Harrogate, HG1 4LN

Bilton Grange URC, Harrogate - Saturday 22nd April 2023 from 10am - 3pm  (with online option) The conference will be led by Rev. Dr. Adam Scott, Principal of Northern College and has experience of Pastorate and Chaplaincy Ministries along with extensive experience in the field of Psychology. For further details and booking - Download flier   cover image Pixabay  

Elders’ Conference – ‘Resilience’

Bilton Grange URC, Woodfield Road, Harrogate, HG1 4LN

Saturday 22nd April 2023 at 10am-3pm Bilton Grange URC, Harrogate (and also online) The conference will be led by Rev. Dr. Adam Scott, Principal of Northern College and has experience of Pastorate and Chaplaincy Ministries along with extensive experience in the field of Psychology. Flier and booking details - see here 

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